Saturday, March 26, 2011


The soliders seem to be looking for something with Zeitoun and Todd. They do a whole search on them and Zeitoun feels like he will bear this shame for the rest of his life. He then starts thinking that they are being evacuated and they are only looking becasue they dont want them to steal. Him and Todd are put into a cage and it is locked shut. More men are put in the cage and they look to escape. All Zeitoun wants is a phone call so he can call Kathy. He slides his number to someone and they call kathy and let her know where he is. Tod goes on a rant and swears but Zeitoun stays calm.

My personal response to this is that I dont understand how Kathy and Zeitoun can remain so calm with all of the events that are happening. I guess it has to do with them accepting what happened and trying to move on. Zeitoun is trying to figure out what is going on and kathy is trying to get her children into a routine and worrying about her husband. I think I would rather be Zeitoun becasue i dont think i could deal with worrying about children and worrying about Zeitoun. IT WOULD DRIVE ME CRAZZZZZZZZZZZY. Hopefully all is well when the book ends. It is getting really interesting.

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